Cpanel 호스팅 보안 질문 설정하기

처음 관리도구에 로그인을 하시거나 새로운 IP로 접근하시면 추가적으로 로그인보안 질문을 선택하셔야합니다.  
호스팅에서 필요한 보안 도구를 이미 설치했기때문에 기억나기 쉬운 반복적인 답변을 입력하시면 더 편리하게 사용가능합니다.

특히 웹개발자 등 제3자에게 개인정보를 공개하고 싶지 않은 경우 이렇게 설정하면 됩니다.


What is your primary frequent flyer number?

답: 123

What was the name of your first boyfirend or girlfriend ?

답: 123

In what city did you honeymoon ?

답: 123

What is your paternal grandfather's first name?

답: 123

cpanel security questions and answers

In our shared hosting, we have already installed and enabled Brute force protection, Firewall, and all necessary security tools. Repeated failed login attempts will ban and block IPs. Also, customers are forced to change their passwords regularly. Security Questions and Answers is just one additional layer. If you are sharing your Cpanel with your developer and you do not want to give your personal information it is Ok to set easy, same and irrelevant answers to each question.

For example, select the first question and answer 123 to each one of them. Then share it with your developer. Inside your Cpanel you can always go to the Security section, Security policy, and reset or add IPs. If you do not want your developer to be prompted for these questions simply ask him/her his IP address and add it to "Recognized IP Addresses" in security policy inside your Cpanel. With all security features already enabled it would be OK to use easy to remember answers at least temporarily to avoid  personal information exposure.


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호스팅 관리도구가 영어로 되어 있나요?

호스팅을 신청하실때 주문페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다. 기본호스팅을 제외한 모든 호스팅은 영어.한국어가 지원됩니다.

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워드프레스 설치가 가능합니까?

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호스팅 서비스를 어떻게 신청하나요?

먼저 당사 사이트를 방문하셔서 해당 주문페이지에서 플랜을 선택하십시오.  회원가입을 이미 하셨다면 email 및 비밀번호로 로그인하시고 진행하시면 됩니다.회원가입을 하지...

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