What is the max email attachment size?

An email was not designed to send large attachments. Many users do not understand that even if we allow large attachment there are so many ISPs that block them anyway so their email won't go through. The maximum email size limit in our servers is 50MB total size of attachments. This is larger than many providers. Naver.com and some other email providers use cloud to attach large attachments and provide a link to download. If you intend to attach large files you can either FTP it to your server and send a link in your email message or use services like dropbox , google drive, etc to upload your attachments and share it.
MIME encoded emails can increase the size by 40% so we do not recommend you attach more than 35 MB .
Again Please note It is not us but the recipient's server might not receive the attachment either. Also please consider if the recipient's email account has a limitation in his mailbox the mailbox will be full too.
The last thing to note is your email client. If you use Microsoft outlook the app itself has attachment limitations for example some might not even allow you to attach more than 20 MB . Please visit Microsoft or your app's support on how to increase your attachment size limitation. This is not done from our side.
The correct way to send attachment is not to directly attach it to an email but upload it to a server and provide a link to it. If you need help please feel free to contact us.

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